MEA Drug Testing Centers
Mississippi businesses need and deserve a drug testing facility offering prompt testing and immediate test results. That’s why so many businesses in this area are turning to MEA Drug Testing in Jackson and Tupelo. Part of the MEA Medical System statewide, both MEA Drug Testing locations are accredited collection sites with Certified Professional Collectors.
MEA Drug Testing performs pre-employment, random, post accident, reasonable cause, return to duty and follow up testing—using urine, hair and saliva methods. We can arrange on-site testing at your place of business or collections can be done at any one of our collection sites statewide. MEA Drug Testing provides testing for employers as well as student, court ordered and private testing. Paternity testing is also available at MEA Drug Testing by appointment only.

Jackson Drug Testing Center
7 Lakeland Circle
Jackson, Ms 39216
Fax: 601-981-9259
Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm
[email protected]

Tupelo Drug Testing Center
1740 Cliff Gookin Blvd.
Tupelo, Ms 38801
Fax: 662 -844-7890
Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-4:30pm
[email protected]