MEA Drug Testing Services
Fines for non-compliance in regulated sectors can run up to $10,000 per violation or more. Legal liability is extraordinary in non-regulated entities as well. That’s why experienced business owners continue to choose the experienced leader in drug testing services: MEA Drug Testing. Our goal is to ensure that your company is in TOTAL compliance with all applicable Federal and State Regulations, as well as individual company policies.
Legal & Administrative
•Record Keeping
•Compliance Requirements
•Policy Development
•Chain of Custody Procedures
•Certified MROs (Medical Review Officers)
•Random Selection
•Supervisor Training
•Employee Education
•Collector Training
•Breath Alcohol Technician Training
•DER Training
Drug & Alcohol Testing
•Reasonable Cause
•Return to Duty
•Follow-Up Testing
•Hair, Urine & Saliva Drug Testing
Collection Process
•National Network of Collection Sites
•Trained Collection Site Personnel
•Required Collection Site Materials and Equipment
•Complete Chain of Custody Procedures and Transportation for All Specimens
•Laboratory Analysis at DOT/HHS/SAMHSA (Substance Abuse Mental Health Service Administration) Certified Lab
•Complete MRO Services
Medical Review Officers
•Licensed Physicians With Knowledge About Substance Abuse
•Reviews, Interprets and Reports Positive Test Results
•Nationally Certified by AAMRO
•On staff @ MEA clinics
•Offering Employers a Complete Drug and Alcohol Testing Program at a Reasonable Cost
•Options Include a Turn-Key Operation or Your Choice of Selected Services Within Our Program
Reliability & Experience
•MEA DTC is the Premier Mississippi Based Full Service MRO/Third Party Administrator