About MEA
About MEA’S Drug Testing Facilities
A division of MEA Medical Clinics, MEA DTC opened in 1995, when the Federal Government began requiring testing for all its DOT employees. We are a full service MRO, C/TPA for employers seeking someone outside their company to help them manage their drug and alcohol testing policies.
MEA DTC has been an active member of DATIA, the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association since 1998.
MEA DTC is NAADATP (Nationally Accredited for the Administration of Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs) certified through DATIA. We achieved this in 2001 and were the first in MS to do so! MEA DTC has also been an Accredited Collection Facility through DATIA since 2000.
Lori Hales has been a CPCT since 1999 and a R-CPCT from 2005 – 2019 (when the program was eliminated). She was one of the first in MS to achieve this certification. All MEA DTC employees are CPC certified through DATIA. As Certified Professional Collectors, they must pass a yearly test to prove proficiency in the area of drug testing. Lori is also a C-DER (Certified Designated Employer Representative) thru DATIA since 2006 and she often provides training for DER and their specific duties when it comes to their drug and alcohol testing policies.
All MEA DTC employees are certified Breath Alcohol Technicians. MEA uses only DOT approved testing machines and procedures to ensure your results are accurate and will hold up in court.
The MROs at MEA DTC are physicians that are actually on staff at our many MEA Medical Clinics. This service is not outsourced to an outside party. All are AAMRO Certified for reviewing both DOT and NONDOT drug results. They meet quarterly to discuss new trends and procedures, and all are experienced in handling, interpreting and reviewing results with both the donors and their employer.
All labs utilized for urine testing at our office are DOT/HHS/SAMHSA certified. All labs used for hair and saliva testing are FDA approved for their testing methods. All positive results are confirmed using GC/MS or GC/MS/MS methodology and then reviewed with the donor by one of our MROs on staff.